Monday, January 6, 2020

Chapter 3 // Are you ready for it?

I turned to see my sister sitting in one of the chairs, with not only her bags, but she was in tears.

"Sis!" I ran into the elevator and headed back down to the lobby.

"Hey, mind if I hang out with you for the next few days?"

"Are you okay?"

"No." She hugged me so tightly.

"This is my good friend Ben Barnes. This is my sister Mel."

"Nice to meet you."

"Tell me what happened?"

"Well we just were fighting and honestly I couldn't do it anymore."

"I love you sis, I do , but you need to stay single for a bit."

"I do, don't I ?"

"Yeah, plus you can hang out on set with me." I said laughing.

Mel got a room next to mine , thankfully Dany had taken her on and the world knew about her relationship ending with Jason, but they were more blindsided with Kit's wife cheating on him with her best friend Ellie. After everyone said their goodnight ,  Ben had stayed with me, I felt more safe with him than anyone else I have ever been with.

"Thank you Ben."

"For what?"

"Not sure, but for being you and making me feel safe as fuck."

"Well one thing I won't do, and that is get on your bad side. I won't want a hip toss and definitely a broken arm."

"I would never do that to you."

 After an amazing night, Mel had gotten up and joined us on set.

"So in this scene, we are going to have you run from the paps with Richard."

"Okay in this?"

"Yeah, you will act like you're running for your life."

"Okay sounds good. Do I get a jacket too or just nothing while I am running?"

"Sorry, but here. If you want to run into the alley with him to get away from the paps , I think that is better. "

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I think that is better, can't have you sick."

"I agree to that."

I put my sneakers on and had my sweater on, Ben was nearby hanging out with Mel while we filmed. I had a kissing scene with Richard, now this will be awkward.

"This way!" David said pulling me into an alley.

As the paps ran past the alley, we ducked into the alley and David kissed me passionately , it felt like I was kissing my brother. He gave me his jacket as we finished filming the scene.

"That is a wrap! Good job everyone, LC excellent scene as usual."

"Thank you." I headed to the trailer and warmed up so fast.

I sat down after getting into my warm clothes. I started to cry, after everything that happened just now, how could Ben even look at me?

"May I come in?" I heard someone say.

"Yeah, come in." I said.

"You okay?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, how could you even look at me after that?"

"I can look at you and realize you're acting. I like you LC, I want to continue with this, whatever it is, whatever it will be. "

"I don't want to lie to you, after being hurt so bad, I really am not sure where my head is at. I do like you a lot Ben. I really think you're brilliant, you're an amazing person and I am so afraid."

"Don't worry, we can take this as slow as you like."

"Even turtle or snail slow?"

"I can handle that too." He laughed as he hugged me.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For not leaving me when I gave you a thousand reasons to. Most men would scared of me and be turned off by a woman protecting herself and being not afraid of anyone."

"Hey, I would never leave you unless you tell me to."

There was a knock at the door, Mel came in and smiled at me.

"That was kind of intense."

"Thank you, I am so happy you came!"

"Me too."

"Now tell me what he did to you." I demanded.

"I will let you two talk." He kissed me and headed out.

"He knocked me up." She said as I looked at her.

"Wow, didn't expect that."

"You're disappointed in me , aren't you?"

"Well, Dwayne might kill him, but I love you sis. I am so happy you found someone to love and trust. Jason deserves to know the truth."

"I should go back and tell him?"

"Yes you should." I said to her.

"I love you." She hugged me and headed out of the trailer.

Ben came back in and sat next to me.  Richard also came in to let me know that we had one more scene to tape.

"I am so tired." I sighed.

 After the last taping of the scene, today's filming was done and tomorrow was the last of the episodes and season 2 would be officially wrapped up. I was done with UK and now I had to return home to America, but with Ben's new show on BBC One, how would this work?

"How are we going to do this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I can't stay here, I don't have a visa to stay."

"I don't know, but we will figure it out."

He kissed my head and headed out of the trailer. I cried and all I wanted to do was run, I hoped this was the right thing to do? Leaving him? I really didn't want to leave him, but it was my only way. I was falling for him so hard and it was scary.

"Are you sure you want to leave him?" Mel asked.

"No. I love him , I fell so hard for him and its scary."

"I really think you should stay."

"I don't have my visa or anything."

She sighed as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe I should leave before this gets too much and we can't see each other."

"If that is what you want?"

"Its the only way." I packed up and didn't even go to the wrap party tomorrow.

I had to leave before I get in too deep. I left him a note that I was heading back to the states and that I loved being with him. Both Mel and I headed back to LA where I live. Heading out of the hotel, we got into the car and for the airport. I was upset, but this was something I had to do. Running away was the only thing I ever knew these days .

"How are you?" Carmella asked me.

"Not good, I really miss him. I have no idea what to do now."

"What do you mean?"

"He was amazing, he was the perfect man and I ran like the coward I am."

She hugged me so tightly as I cried.

 "You will see him again. I know it." She softly said.

We fixed my makeup and I began to get into my ring gear.

My gear:

I sighed and laced up my boots. I grabbed Carmella's arm and hugged her .

"Thank you Mella."

"For what?"

"For always giving the best advice ever."

"We are sisters, by bond." She said. "Now go out there and kick Sasha's stupid ass everywhere."

I nodded and heard my theme music start. I headed out of the curtain and down the ramp, I high fived everyone and did my dance. Sasha came out next with her stupid ass friend Bayley, whom didn't care if I just got back or even if I was hurting, they wanted to hurt anyone in the way.

"Oh so now you want to come back after all the fame sizzled out? You failed and everyone knows you're a stupid ass bitch who can't act."

"Oh yeah? I can't act? Well Sasha, at least I didn't run away like you did after losing a title! You took your ugly ass and your shitty rat tail and ran like a coward you are."

She ran in and both of them attacked me. Sasha pulled me by the hair and flung me into the barricade while the boos ran down. Lacey came running down with Dana to help me.

"Are you okay?"

"No, ow." I said. "Those stupid ass bitches are going to get dropped on their faces."

They helped me up the ramp and into the locker room. I cracked my neck, I walked in to find him sitting there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "How did you get in?"

"Mel and someone named Carmella?"

"Oh my god."

"Listen, I understand why you ran."

"You do?"

"Mel explained it all to me."

I sighed and told him about everything, from my ex to me being scared.

"I want to work this out , I want you, I love you."

"We just met, how do you know this is going to work?"

"Answer me this, do you love me?"


"Do you trust me?"


"Okay then, we will make it work." He kissed me so passionately and I missed everything about him.

After I packed up and changed ,we headed to the hotel, we headed inside and into his hotel room.

"Let me show you how nice it was.." He said ripping my clothes off.

I fell asleep next to the man of my dreams, now he is all mine and just how would this work?